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    Welcome to the Army of CP Training Regiment. Founded in 2008 by Omega3, over 200 cadets have passed through the ACPTR classroom and graduated to become some of the greatest members of the ACP community. Our graduates have gone on to become some of the most influential members of the army community and members of the ACP leadership and higher command! Today the tradition endures and the ACPTR remains the premier institution for training the ACP soldiers.
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May 2020: Opening Ceremony #1

Hello Cadets!

Today was the May 2020 UK/USA Opening Ceremony! 24 cadets were present, and we marked the occasion with a uniform check, followed by several tactics on CP Army: The Game. This first lesson also included some key information regarding the course.

Comment with the following for your attendance to count:
CP Name:
Discord Name:

19 Responses

  1. CP Name: YeticoDiscord Name: Yeti

  2. CP name: DeathDiscord Name: Deathdrugsandcyanide#0666

  3. CP Name: HenryviixDiscord Name: Henry_VI#9519

  4. CPATG NAME: FatChickenDiscord Name: FatChicken88#6885

  5. KolowayACPTRKoloway#2114Attended!

  6. CP Name: Lucia2004Discord Name: lucia#1640

  7. CP Name: Raspberry!Discord Name:🌸Cherry Cherry🌸

  8. CP Name: BlazerDiscord Name: Blazer

  9. CP Name: KeynikkiDiscord Name: Keynikki#4386

  10. CP Name: JeseratorDiscord Name: jeser

  11. CP name:Gavin4444Discord name : MyNamesGavin or Addy#4429

  12. CP Name: CloverDiscord Name: Auroras#5456

  13. CP Name: Conrad (the P5219 person)Discord Name:Conrad##3837

  14. CP Name: CxsmickbDiscord Name: cxsmickb

  15. please workcp name: jaffacakesjdiscord name: jay

  16. CP Name: powerprimateDiscord Name: powerprimate#8460

  17. CP Name: ShebyrDiscord Name: Shebyr#4184

  18. Cp Name: coolhandlukeDiscoed Name: coolhandsully

  19. Cp Name: coolhandlukeDiscord Name: coolhandsully

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